Garments factory is a great Industry of Bangladesh which earning a lot of foreign currency among all others industry. We are maintaining the HR Policy for Garments sector and meeting the buyer compliance.
Attributes of the employees: All the employees of the factory are skilled, educated, gentle and minimum 18 years of age.
Male-Female ratio: Male 49% & Female 51%
Number of officials: 125 persons
Number of staffs: 235 persons
Number of laborers: 5000+ persons.

We are maintaining the following COC issues:

* Prohibition of Child Labor
* Prohibition of Forced labor
* No Discrimination
* Occupational Health & Safety (OHS)
* Disciplinary Practices/ Harassment
* Freedom of association and right to collective bargaining
* Welfare facilities
* Compensation & Benefits
* Working Hours
* Grievance procedure
* Environmental Protection
* Custom compliance
* Security compliance